
GSIS members reflect all aspects of the geosciences and work toward the solution of information problems faced by those in the profession. The Society includes international representation from academia, business and industry, publishing, geological surveys, geoscience societies, and other related organizations.

GSIS has four membership categories:

Personal Membership
Is $25 per year. Members receive the Membership Directory, available only to members. First-year personal membership is available at a reduced rate of $20.

Student Memberships
Are available at a rate of $10 per year, and include the same benefits as Individual Members.

Retired Memberships
Retired members of GSIS are eligible to retain their membership for no annual cost. Please continue to renew annually to confirm your current information and continued interest in maintaining at GSIS membership.

Sponsored Individual Memberships
Are available to individuals from outside the United States and Canada, and those who are unemployed. Sponsored Memberships are subject to approval of the Executive Committee and available only to the extent that funds are available to support the program.

Institutional Memberships
The Institutional Membership has been discontinued as of 2018.

Interested in Joining us?
Join or renew online. Payment can be made via PayPal. Alternate methods for payment can be arranged by contacting the GSIS Secretary.

We also have a downloadable membership brochure.

Membership Categories

Pay Membership or Make donation to GSIS via Paypal