Author index to the Proceedings of the Geoscience Information Society, v.1-46

Prepared by Linda R. Musser, April 2022

In these references, the year is the date of the meeting, not the publication date. Only the first page of the article is indicated.

“1984 GIS Annual Business meeting attendees.” 1984.  15: 207.

“1987 GIS Annual Business meeting attendees.” 1987.  18: 159.

“2013 award winners.” 2013.  44: 32.

“2013 Business meeting minutes.” 2013.  44: 23.

“2014 award winners.” 2014.  44: 139.

“2014 Business meeting minutes.” 2014.  44: 116.

“2015 award winners.” 2015.  44: 175.

“2015 Business meeting minutes.” 2015.  44: 169.

“A collaborative effort to create interactive Utah geologic maps.” 2008.  39: 81.

Aaron, JM. 1995. “Publishing in a digital world: The past is the key to the future.”  25: 39.

Aber, Susan Ward. 2005. “Fostering collaboration through qualitative research methods// investigating information needs of geoscience educators.”  36: 9.

Ackerman, Abby, Emily Kampmeyer, Matthew Willig, Chloe Li, Angela Bertagni, and Selby Cull-Hearth. 2016. “Turning college collections into online rock and mineral databases for teaching and research.”  44: 192.

Adkins-Heljeson, Dana, and Janice Sorensen. 2001. “Using the Internet for the maintenance and distribution of data and out-of-print publications at the Kansas Geological Survey.”  32: 155.

Adrain, Tiffany, Ann Budd, Jonathan Adrain, Christopher A. Brochu, and Hallie Sims. 2006. “Unlocking research collections// the UI Paleontology Repository Computerization Project.”  37: 98.

Adrain, Tiffany S., Jonathan M. Adrain, Ann F. Budd, and Julia Golden. 2005. “UI Paleontology Repository reorganization project// improving standards in collection care and access.”  36: 105.

Agnew, Allen F. 1984. “The Alluvial Valley Floor Amendment, and other Congressional anecdotes.”  15: 187.

Albert, T. M. 1975. “Technical information programs of the Federal Energy Administration.”  6: 44.

Alderman, Willis H. 1974. “Use of interactive computer graphics for oil and gas exploration.”  5: 76.

Alexander, C. G. 1975. “ERDA information programs.”  6: 77.

Allison, M. Lee, and Casey C. Brown. 2014. “Arizona Geological Survey mining site// leveraging 100 years of mining reports, maps and photographs for the next 100 years.”  44: 90.

Allison, M. Lee, and Stephen M. Richard. 2010. “State geological survey deployment of the National Geothermal Data System.”  41: 3.

Allison, M. Lee, Stephen M. Richard, and Kim Patten. 2014. “Providing free and open source access to geoscience data worldwide.”  44: 69.

Andersen, James H. 1993. “Assessment of Seismology and Volcanology Collection, Geophysical fustitute Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks.”  24: 99.

Anderson, Arlene F. 2012. “Reducing the risk of geothermal development through the provision of geothermal data and information.”  43: 61.

Anderson, Greg, Karl Feaux, Mike Jackson, and Will Prescott. 2004. “The Plate Boundary Observatory// data management plans and status.”  35: 75.

Anderson, James H. 2002. “Geosciences in the ideal physical/digital University of Alaska Science Library// a vision for the future.”  33: 45.

Anderson, NB, DA FERDERER, and CA ROBERTS. 1994. “Inventory of land use restraints program (ILURP): Application of Geographic Information Systems in mineral assessments.”  25: 119.

Andrews, M. 1994. “From card catalog to computer file: The impact of technology on the production of polar bibliographic databases.”  25: 13.

Ansari, Mary B. 1985. “Obtaining financial support from industry for a state-supported geoscience/mining library// Mines Library’s small scale fund-raising efforts.”  16: 167.

—. 1989. “Introduction.”  20: 3.

—. 1992. “Publication opportunities for geoscience information professionals.”  23: 69.

Applegate, D. 1998. “Policy issues affect access to scientific data.”  29: 13.

Arrigo, Jennifer S., Alva L. Couch, Richard P. Hooper, and Jonathon Pollak. 2012. “The proposed CUAHSI Water Data Center// empowering scientists to discover, use, store, and share water data from multiple sources.”  43: 34.

Arvidson, RE. 1990. “The Electronic GSA.”  21: 37.

Aschoff, Jennifer L., David W. Mogk, K. B. Kirk, and Cathryn A. Manduca. 2004. “Building bridges between geoscience research, teaching and learning with thematic digital resource collections// an example using the Cretaceous period.”  35: 99.

“Award winners 2011.” 2011.  42: 58.

Babaie, Hassan, and Abbed Babaei. 2004. “Modeling discipline-specific geological concepts with the W3C XML Schema.”  35: 63.

Baclawski, Diane K. 1992. “Inexpensive map and thesis cataloging for the small geology library: a case study of the perils of Pauline on a PC {at the Geology Library at Michigan State University}.”  23: 119.

—. 2003. “Making the past come alive// bringing Leverett & Taylor & USGS Monograph 53 to the 21st century.”  34: 109.

Bacskai, Judith A., George V. Shkurkin, and John G. Mulvihill. 1980. “Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates// cooperative venture for a specialized service.”  11: 89.

Badurek, Chris. 2016. “Research data competencies for escience use of GIS and imagery data in the geosciences.”  44: 216.

Badurek, Chris A. 2017. “Use of Web GIS and satellite imagery for communicating concepts of uncertainty in earth science data.”  45: 40.

Badurek, Christopher A. 2000. “Information visualization approaches for the geosciences.”  31: 23.

—. 2001. “Geographic information science and technologies// impacts on information access and exchange for the geosciences.”  32: 57.

—. 2015. “Assessment of greenhouse gas data sets across the data life cycle.”  44: 151.

—. 2018. “GIS and geovisualization methods for assessing impacts of the flood of 2011 in Binghamton, NY.”  46: 26.

Badurek, Christopher A., and Wendy E. Miller. 2018. “Assessment methods for undergraduate STEM courses integrating geographic information technologies.”  46: 25.

Baker, Richard G. 2007. “Images of geologic features in national parks available free online.”  38: 99.

Ballagh, Lisa M., John C. Cartwright, and Allaina M. Wallace. 2010. “Maps, maps and more maps// three approaches to reach the masses.”  41: 5.

Bambach, R. K. 1980. “Keeping current in an interdisciplinary field: paleontology.”  11: 11.

Banholzer, Gordon S. 1989. “Access to geoscience information in the online catalog.”  20: 75.

Banholzer, GS. 1994. “The global change data and information system (GCDIS): The role of libraries in development and implementation.”  25: 89.

Barton, Kate E., David G. Howell, and Jose F. Vigil. 2002. “The North America Tapestry of Time and Terrain.”  33: 89.

Becraft, George E. 1973. “U. S. Geological Survey open-file reports [sum.].”  4: 92.

Bee, Emma, Patrick Bell, Diego Diaz-Doce, Simon Flower, Katy Mee, Sarah Reay, Steven Richardson, and Wayne Shelley. 2014. “Can the citizen help the scientist to help the citizen? How information obtained from social media and smartphones can help scientists understand more about natural hazards.”  44: 49.

Begg, John G., Mike J. Isaac, and Ian M. Turnbull. 1999. “QMAP – The 1:250,000 geological map of New Zealand.”  30: 1.

Benimoff, Alan I., William J. Fritz, and Michael Kress. 2016. “How we communicated with local, state and federal agencies with respect to hurricane storm surge// the process.”  44: 219.

Bennett, Stacie L. Doman. 2015. “NASA LP DAAC product lifecyle plan in action.”  44: 149.

Bensaid, M. 1997. “The National Geological Mapping Program of Morocco.”  28: 85.

Bensen, Gregory D., Charles M. Meertens, and Anne F. Sheehan. 2004. “Information technology developments for geodynamics research in the Rocky Mountains.”  35: 71.

Benton, Michael J. 2004. “Large data bases in paleontology.”  35: 84.

Berquist, Karen A., Patricia R. Hausman, Heather R. MacDonald, and Brent E. Owens. 2002. “Developing information literacy skills of undergraduate geology majors// complementary assignments involving geoscientist-librarian teams.”  33: 73.

Berquist, Karen K., R. Lockwood, Heather R. MacDonald, Gregory S. Hancock, Brent E. Owens, and Christopher M. Bailey. 2005. “Cooperative faculty-librarian efforts to develop information literacy skills of undergraduate geology majors throughout the curriculum.”  36: 109.

Beutner, Edward C. 1981. “The dilemma of maintaining holdings in a small college geology library.”  12: 3.

Bichteler, J. 1976. “Publications of the International Union of Geological Sciences// their influence on U.S. geoscientists.”  7: 1.

Bichteler, JH. 1991. “Geoscientists’ Access to Publications of State Geological Surveys.”  22: 201.

Bichteler, Julie. 1973. “GEO.REF, the user’s view.”  4: 36.

—. 1981. “New formats for geoscience journals.”  12: 42.

—. 1983. “User education in geoscience// problems and prospects.”  14: 87.

—. 1986. “End user database searching in geoscience.”  17: 45.

—. 1989. “Geoscience libraries of the future// predictions for the next decade.”  20: 97.

Bichteler, Julie, and Dederick Ward. 1987. “Information seeking behavior of geoscientists.”  18: 127.

Bichteler, Julie, and Dederick C. Ward. 1988. “The quality of published geoscience information// problems and perspectives from the geologist’s viewpoint.”  19: 141.

Bielskas, Amanda. 2013. “Data citation and metrics in the geosciences.”  44: 13.

—. 2014. “GSIS member & non-member (preliminary) strategic planning survey results.”  44: 128.

—. 2018. “Geologic field trip guidebooks web archive.”  46: 38.

Bielskas, Amanda, and Shaun J. Hardy. 2016. “The changing landscape of open access publishing in the geosciences.”  44: 196.

Bier, Robert A. 2000. “Where are the maps? Or, the changing ways to find maps in the age of GIS and the web.”  31: 55.

Bier, Robert A., Jr. 1986. “Introduction.”  17: 2.

Bioku, Teki, Theodora Zoto, and Sokol Marku. 2000. “Some historical aspects about geological studies and geological publications in Albania.”  31: 123.

Blair, Bruce B. 2009. “Add some wow to your publications listing with Google Maps.”  40: 62.

Blair, Nancy. 1993. “Need for a National Geologic Mapping Index Database.”  24: 179.

—. 1998. “Review of some of the characteristics of GeoRef for users.”  29: 111.

Blair, Nancy L. 1992. “Use of a citation index to quantify the influence of earth science researchers on the work of others {using the online version of Science citation index}.”  23: 65.

Blair, NL. 1994. “Improving bibliographical access to published geologic mapping by using online map indexes.”  25: 79.

Block, Karin A., Kerstin A. Lehnert, Annika Johansson, Susan Drymala, Artem Fishman, William F. McDonough, Cin-Ty A. Lee, Mihai Ducea, Roberta L. Rudnick, and J. Douglas Walker. 2006. “EarthChem & GEOFRAME// supporting new science with advanced access to petrological data of the deep lithosphere.”  37: 101.

Block, Karin A., Walter S. Snyder, and Kerstin A. Lehnert. 2009. “The development of the Geoscience Student Data Network as a basis for an integrated research-centered curriculum.”  40: 69.

Blome, Charles D., Kevin C. McKinney, Elisabeth M. Taylor Brouwers, Michael E., and Bruce R. Wardlaw. 1999. “The USGS Denver paleontological collection: a growing resource for paleontological research.”  30: 163.

Blome, Charles D., and Bruce R. Wardlaw. 1996. “The new USGS Geologic Names Committee// looking toward the future.”  27: 79.

Bloom, J. R., and W. S. Meddaugh. 1988. “Chevron’s production workstation.”  19: 191.

Bohling, Geoffrey C. 2004. “CHRONOS age-depth plot// a Java application for stratigraphic data analysis.”  35: 113.

Bolm, Karen S., David G. Frank, and Jill L. Schneider. 1999. “Three archives of the U.S. Geological Survey’s western mineral resources team.”  30: 65.

Bond, Paulette A. 2003. “A picture of spring protection// posters in education and outreach.”  34: 123.

Bose, Rajendra. 2008. “Realizing the research library// data center alliance.”  39: 11.

Botbal, Joseph Moses and Bowen, Roger W. 1976. “GRASP – A system for interactive manipulation of geologic data.”  7: 116.

Bowring, Samuel A., Doug Erwin, and Paul Renne. 2004. “EARTHTIME// a community-based effort towards high-precision calibration of Earth history.”  35: 86.

Boyd, Tom G., and Laura M. Vaugeois. 2003. “On development of a statewide landslide inventory.”  34: 117.

Brown, Barry N. 2009. “A comparative analysis of geoscience literature databases.”  40: 85.

—. 2014. “Datasets in geology articles// a preliminary investigation of use, citation, and repositories.”  44: 35.

Brown, JL, RF DUBIEL, and RJ SCHILLER. 1994. “Cooperative geologic research in Canyonlands National Park, Utah.”  25: 83.

Brown, Kenneth. 2016. “Developing effective learning exercises in the geosciences// utilizing online databases and data repositories.”  44: 193.

Brown, Regina A. 1981. “Serial management in a large geology library.”  12: 4.

—. 1990. “Societies’ impact on the earth sciences// three hundred years of communication.”  21: 19.

Browne, DG, and JD Love. 1997. “More than books and journals: A plea for greater inclusiveness in defining ‘geoscience information’.”  28: 71.

Buchanan, R, and T Carr. 1997. “The impact of electronic dissemination: The experience of a state geological survey.”  28: 19.

Buelow, Ellen K., Xai Her, and Scott K. Clark. 2013. “Scientists as media resources in the aftermath of disasters// trends in news coverage following two devastating tsunamis.”  44: 9.

Bueno Watts, Nievita, Steven Semken, Cheryl Alvarado, and Monica Pineda. 2007. “Visitor preconceptions and meaning-making at Petrified Forest National Park.”  38: 92.

Burk, C. F. 1969. “The national system for storage and retrieval of geological data in Canada.”  1: 1.

—. 1977. “The National Data Referral System for Canadian Geoscience.”  8: 31.

Burk, Cornelius F. 1978. “Proposal to establish international federation of geological documentation services.”  9: 153.

Burke, Kevin, and Shuhab Khan. 2004. “GIS database for testing of the ideas// (1) that alkaline igneous rocks and carbonatites (ARCS) erupt in rifts, (2) that their deformation to form DARCS is concentrated in suture zones and (3) that arcs in rifts may result from decompression melting of DARCS on sutures in the underlying mantle lithosphere.”  35: 123.

Burns, Diane M. 2006. “Virtual fieldtrips// building a database to enhance geology departments’ resources.”  37: 88.

Burns, Diane M. and Martinsen, Ole J. 1999. “Exploring the use of FMI logs as proxies for slabbed core descriptions: advantages and disadvantages.”  30: 161.

Burns, Kerry L. 1980. “Retrieval of tectonic process models from geological maps and diagrams.”  11: 105.

Burns, SL, and SE Laubach. 1997. “Secure websites facilitate geoscientific collaboration, progress and technology transfer.”  28: 111.

“Business meeting minutes.” 2011.  42: 54.

Butkovich, Nancy J., and Linda R. Musser. 1993. “Analysis of References Cited in U.S. Geological Survey Bulletins, Circulars, and Professional Papers.”  24: 167.

Butkovich, NJ. 1990. “Discussion of the use of foreign language sources in geological journals.”  21: 99.

Butler, John C. 1988. “The academic workstation.”  19: 25.

Butros, Amy. 2004. “Reaching out to academics and graduate students// cold calls and incentives at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.”  35: 61.

Buttenfield, Barbara P., and Suzanne T. Larsen. 1996. “Building a digital library for earth system science// the Alexandria Project.”  27: 23.

Buttenfield, BP, and ST Larsen. 1997. “Building a digital library for earth system science: The Alexandria project.”  28: 23.

Caldwell, D. W. 1989. “History and organization of the New England intercollegiate geological conference.”  20: 193.

Calkins, James A., and Linda E. Deiter. 1974. “Uses of CRIB// a GIPSY-formatted mineral resources computer file.”  5: 1.

Callihan, John C., and Dena F. Stepp. 1986. “Finding geoscience information in the Chemical Abstracts Service database.”  17: 77.

Campbell, Karen. 1993. “The Role ofPhotographic Archives in the Earth Sciences.”  24: 129.

Campbell, Karen, Jeff Marr, Patrick Hamilton, Jim Roe, Paul J. Morin, Chris Paola, Gary Parker, Ken Kornack, Vaughan Voller, and Efi Foufoula. 2004. “Source to sink on one acre// using research data and tools to create an outdoor museum experience.”  35: 104.

Carey, PL, and SZ Hiller. 1995. “Defining geoscience journal value: The role of unbound use.”  26: 59.

Carlson, Elizabeth C., and Mark Theissen. 2006. “Jane Collaborative// bringing scientific debate to rural America.”  37: 41.

Carr, Christopher E., Drew Woodbury, William E. Hutchinson, Eric Fuller, Sinan O. Akciz, Nathan A. Niemi, Hong Linh Q. Nguyen, Daniel D. Sheehan, Kip V. Hodges, and B. Clark Burchfiel. 2002. “A wireless digital compass for field geology.”  33: 77.

Carr, Timothy R., Dana Adkins-Heljeson, Rex C. Buchanan, Janice Sorensen, and Thomas D. Mettille. 1996. “The impact of the Internet on the public sector// providing natural resource information and technology to Kansas.”  27: 93.

Carver, L, and C Bloch. 1989. “Georeferenced Information Network.”  20: 35.

“Casting a wider net: using screencast tutorials to advance library involvement in supporting research practices.” 2008.  39: 73.

Cepeda, Joseph C. 2000. “Searching the Internet for geological information on the Karakoram Highway, northern Pakistan.”  31: 103.

Cervato, Cinzia. 2004. “CHRONOS// a time-calibrated network of federated databases and tools for sedimentary geology and paleontology.”  35: 79.

Chappell, Barbara A., and George H. Goodwin. 1983. “The U.S. Geological Survey Library and the user community// a past and future view.”  14: 17.

Chappell, James R., Heather I. Stanton, Trista L. Thornberry-Ehrlich, Stephanie A. O’Meara, and Ronald D. Karpilo. 2009. “Geologic resources inventory of our national parks.”  40: 128.

Cheek, Kim A., Heather Petcovic, Jason Cervenac, Robyn Mieko Dahl, and Nancy A. Price. 2018. “Geoscience research and information needs for supporting and improving K-12 earth and space sciences teacher education.”  46: 20.

Chorlton, LB. 1998. “Capturing features of tectonic significance in the generalized geology of the world GIS framework: A resource for future geological research.”  29: 87.

Clancy, Elizabeth H. 1992. “Practical procedures for preserving photographic potpourri.”  23: 13.

Clark, Ryan C., Stephen M. Richard, and Wolfgang Grunberg. 2009. “Catalog service for the Web, development of interoperable service for discovering geoscience resources.”  40: 131.

Clarke, Frank. 1972. “Resource and land information (RALI) program.”  3: 1.

Clarke, James W. 1969. “Automatic data processing of geological literature by the United States Geological Survey.”  1: 8.

Clary, Renee M., and James H. Wandersee. 2007. “Use of informal education sites to facilitate paleoenvironmental integration in a nation-wide online paleontology course.”  38: 93.

Clement, E. 1995. “Issues of information delivery in geoscience libraries.”  26: 59.

Clement, E, and B Sagraves. 1998. “Preservation of a unique guide to local geology: GEOLOGY OF THE HANOVER DISTRICT.”  29: 101.

Clement, Elaine, and Nancy J. Butkovich. 1992. “Investigation of overlap in geological information between GeoRef and NTIS {databases}.”  23: 89.

—. 1999. “Preservation Forum.”  30: 173.

Clement, Gail. 2011. “Copyright uncertainty and geoscience information// what’s free for the taking?”  42: 19.

Clifton, Joe Ann. 1973. “Dissipation of Babel// obtaining federal information.”  4: 93.

Cloutier, Claudette. 2006. “Prospecting for meaning// inquiry and library instruction in the geosciences.”  37: 37.

Cobb, David A. 1993. “Layer Upon Layer: Mystery Upon Mystery.”  24: 39.

Cochran, Wendell, Peter Fenner, and Mary Hill. 1973. “Geowriting// a guide to writing, editing, and printing in earth science// second edition.”  4: 49.

Cockburn, George H. 1983. “Quebec’s user-oriented Geoscientific Compilation Map Program.”  14: 151.

“Collection Development Forum.” 2000.  31: 111.

“Collection development forum.” 2006.  37: 118.

“Collection development forum.” 2007.  38: 121.

“Collection Development Forum.” 2008.  39: 109.

Collins, David R., and Kurt K. Lock. 1999. “The Kansas geologic names database: one publication’s escape from the bindings that tie.”  30: 29.

“Comparison of GeoRef and Google Scholar.” 2008.  39: 77.

Coniglio, Susan. 1979. “Technical report accession.”  10: 55.

Contreras, A., R. Dallmayr, V. Duran Toro, H. Elyashiv, M. Greco, I. Hernandez-Almeida, S. Hohmann, M. Hollstein, R. Jackson, L. Jacobi, V. Kirillova, S. Kraus, Y. Liu, L. Madaj, G. Martinez Mendez, P. Mendoza, D. Mueller-Dum, C. Neto dos Santos, A. Orfanoz, R. C. Portilho-Ramos, A. Rebotim, D. A. Reyes Macaya, P. Rossel, S. Ruiz-Soto, M. Saavedra-Pellitero, C. Schmidt, N. Selekere, C. Soares, J. Stone, L. Tamborrino, D. Tangunan, A. Tobben, N. Tondreau, C. Cavaleiro, F. Capparelli, R. Borges, S. Boeske, S. Boehnert, Chelsea A. Korpanty, and H. Wang. 2018. “Fairy godmothers or Foraminifera? Using storytelling to communicate marine science.”  46: 12.

Corbett, Robert G. 1988. “Field trip guidebooks need not be gray literature.”  19: 113.

Corbett, Robert G., and Barbara M. Manner. 1990. “The case for desktop publishing.”  21: 111.

Corwin, Bert N., and F. Colin Burstall. 1988. “BFILE// case history of an exploration project database.”  19: 177.

Costa, John E. and Sylvester, Arthur G. 1993. “Geoscience Publications in the 1990s: The Editors’ View.”  24: 21.

Cousminer, Harold L. 1969. “An information system in micropaleontology.”  1: 13.

Cousminer, Harold L., and Julia Golden. 1972. “Another product of GEO-REF// the Bibliography and Index of Micropaleontology.”  3: 9.

Cox, Simon J. D., and Stephen M. Richard. 2004. “A formal model for the geological timescale and GSSP.”  35: 88.

Crissinger, John D. 1980. “The use of journal citations in theses as a collection development methodology.”  11: 113.

Crockett, Edith S., and Ann L. Farren. 1980. “Use of the BIOSIS data base for retrieval of geology-related information.”  11: 65.

Crosby, Christopher J., and J. Ramon Arrowsmith. 2004. “Lidar data distribution, interpolation and analysis on the GEON grid// a conceptual framework.”  35: 73.

Crosby, Christopher J., Viswanath Nandigam, and J. Ramon Arrowsmith. 2017. “From zero to a trillion// reflections on nine years of OpenTopography, a platform to enable open access to high resolution topography.”  45: 8.

Cruse, Larry. 1984. “Things to consider before microfilming geologic maps.”  15: 59.

Cubitt, John M., and Geoffrey Mathews. 1988. “Integration// an essential ingredient in a geologic workstation.”  19: 57.

Curl, Douglas C., and Gerald A. Weisenfluh. 2017. “Preservation and Web accessibility of limestone and dolomite resource data for Kentucky.”  45: 11.

Curry, Gordon B., and Richard Connor. 2004. “Automating data extraction from text using xml tagging.”  35: 94.

Dahlberg, Eric C. 1972. “Aspects of unbiased and biased contouring of geologic data by human and machine operators.”  3: 17.

DALEBANNISTER, MA, RE ARVIDSON, EA GUINNESS, SH SLAVNEY, and TC STEIN. 1991. “The Geologic Remote Sensing Field Experiment: The Archive and Its Use.”  22: 139.

Davis, Angela R. 2015. “National Technical Reports Library (NTRL)// not just another database.”  44: 148.

Davis, Ethan. 2016. “Advancing netCDF-CF for the geoscience community.”  44: 182.

Davydov, Vladimir I., Tyson Taylor, Mark D. Schmitz, John Groves, Clyde J. Northrup, Tamra A. Schiappa, and Bruce R. Wardlaw. 2004. “PaleoStrat// a partner and database engine for the CHRONOS system.”  35: 110.

Day, Deborah C. 1987. “Archival documentation of the history of geoscience.”  18: 7.

Deering, Carol A. 2014. “The national land cover database project// the story of its impact.”  44: 50.

—. 2015. “Who is using our datasets and data products?”  44: 147.

DeFelice, Barbara. 1989. “Cooperative collection development and preservation projects in the geosciences.”  20: 63.

Defelice, Barbara. 1993. “Coverage of Enviromnental Geology Topics in Major Abstracting and Indexing Services: A Citation Overlap Study of GeoRef, Water Resources Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts.”  24: 149.

DeFelice, Barbara J. 1996. “Introduction.”  27: ix.

—. 2000. “Building a community centered Digital Library for Earth System Education.”  31: 91.

DeFelice, Barbara, and Suzanne T. Larsen. 2005. “Collaboratively developed collections// DLESE, the Digital Library for Earth Systems Education.”  36: 13.

Degraffenreid, J. A., and H. W. Cable. 1977. “A computer aid to the distribution of geologic publications.”  8: 57.

Deis, Louise. 2013. “Geological, atmospheric, climatic data// collections in the U. S., possibly in the world// a visual presentation of types of data, formats and locations of storage.”  44: 12.

—. 2014. “Describing the world’s geoscience data centers.”  44: 36.

—. 2018. “Citizen science or crowdsourcing is exploding.”  46: 40.

Dennie, Devin P. 2002. “An innovative use of geoscience in mass media// geologic television and North Texas.”  33: 65.

Derksen, Charlotte. 2002. “Collection Development Forum.”  33: 97.

—. 2003a. “GSIS Collection Development Issues forum.”  34: 137.

—. 2003b. “Monographs// firm/approval or standing orders? An earth sciences perspective.”  34: 41.

Derksen, Charlotte R. M. 1983. “Using RLIN to locate earth science information.”  14: 207.

—. 1984. “Citation overlap among GEOARCHIVE, GEOREF, PASCAL, and Chemical Abstracts.”  15: 125.

—. 1985. “Use of microcomputers in earth sciences libraries.”  16: 1.

—. 2001. “USGS publications// current access via the web and via catalogs.”  32: 107.

Derksen, Charlotte R. M., and Julie Sweetkind-Singer. 2002. “Accessing and preserving field maps and notebooks// the Stanford Geological Survey Map and Field Notebook Access Project.”  33: 17.

Derksen, CRM. 1998. “Introduction.”  29: 3.

Derksen, CRM, and BE Haner. 1997. “Access and cost of geoscience information in the technology era.”  28: 41.

Derksen, CRM, and MM Noga. 1991. “The World of Geoscience Serials: Comparative Use Patterns.”  22: 15.

Derksen, CRM, and J O’Donnell. 1994. “What We Did What We Do What We’ll Do – Geoscience Information Centers in a Time of Change, 1970-2000.”  25: 1.

Derksen, CRM, and J ODonnell. 1995. “Evaluating Web sources for the geoscentist.”  26: 39.

Devarakonda, Ranjeet, and Giri Palanisamy. 2014. “A web-based tool for preparing FGDC-CSDGM metadata.”  44: 110.

Dewey, John. 1978. “Geoscience publishing from the geologist’s view.”  9: 67.

DiBiase, Roman A., and Erin N. DiMaggio. 2017. “Strategies for creating standardized GIS-based digital geologic maps for geoscience field exercises.”  45: 87.

“Digitization of geologic maps using ArcInfo software: a method for improving access to maps and customizing base maps for use in the field.” 2008.  39: 83.

Diment, Judith A. 1978. “Geological map acquisitions// a guide to the literature.”  9: 111.

Dirlam, D. M. 1985. “The use of microcomputers in selecting diamond terminology for indexing gemological literature.”  16: 21.

Dirlam, Dona M., Cathleen A. Jonathan, Elise B. Misiorowski, Terri L. Ottaway, Patricia F. Syvrud, Peggy Tsiamis, Kimberly M. Vagner, and Yvette Wilson. 2006. “The Gemological Institute of America’s keys to discovery// public outreach programs.”  37: 97.

Dirlam, Dona Mary, Judy Colbert, Peggy Tsiamis, Sharon Bohannon, Kathleen Dailey, Kevin Schumacher, Cathleen Jonathan, and Paula Rucinski. 2007. “Digital asset management for gemology and related geosciences.”  38: 104.

Diver, Patrick L., Douglas Fils, Geoffrey C. Bohling, Douglas Greer, and Josh Reed. 2004. “Building the CHRONOS system databases// a partnership process.”  35: 107.

Dixon, Janet B. 2005. “Digital geoscience resources// collaborative collection and dissemination.”  36: 111.

Dixon, Janet B., Jackson D. Cothren, John C. Dixon, and Charles A. Calhoun. 2006. “Historical imagery collections in spatial library// key to discovery of past landscapes.”  37: 53.

Donahue, Magdalena, and John Donahue. 2014. “Field play and the 2014 New Mexico geological society fall field conference// incorporating augmented reality and location sensitive content to create an interactive, data-rich landscape.”  44: 95.

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